Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Jul 6, 2020


Já vos disse que é difícil ser elegante quando se tem uma barriga de grávida enorme? 

Apr 1, 2020


Quando tirei estas fotografias ainda estávamos longe de imaginar o que nos esperava. Nesta altura caminhar nas ruas era permitido e não existiam distâncias de segurança a respeitar. O sinal de trânsito proibído aplicava-se apenas aos carros, mas hoje bem podia ser um sinal de trânsito proibído a todos aqueles que teimam em não colaborar e que não querem ficar em casa. 

Mar 9, 2020


The first look of 2020. I know, it took me a while to start this year, but it was for the best possible reasons. 

May 5, 2018



Last week I did one of the trips that I was most excited to do. I toured the Amalfi Coast in Italy. A trip that began in Naples and went to Amalfi, passing through Pompeii, Sorrento and Positano. But about the trip and the places I'll tell you in another post.

Feb 19, 2018


And the reality is that we are not quite ready for spring yet. Although we are all anxious for these wonderful days of mild temperatures and although we are all dying to put on cooler clothes, we still feel the cold of winter and it is still not possible to look at the new collections without feeling a shiver in the spine.

Feb 17, 2018


You guys loved this look when I shared it on my instagram last week! There were lots of comments asking where I bought some of these pieces! I answered to everyone there on the Instagram and today I show you all the photos of this look here on the blog!

Jan 21, 2018



If there's a style that I like and that I identify myself with is this one.. A classic and serious touch but with a very feminine result. Maybe because I'm like that too, on the one hand I'm classic and very serious but on the other hand I'm also very feminine.
I take this look more serious and with a masculine touch to talk to you about a subject that is not fashionable, but which is very important and that in my point of view should be much more discussed. 

Jan 15, 2018

FASHION REPORT - The first of 2018


Here's the first look of 2018 and I love it. One of the looks that I loved the most recently for being feminine, trendy but most of all for being unexpected, just like I love.

Jan 11, 2018

Fashion Fails - Part 1 (english and french versions)

"You always look so good in the photos!" It should be the phrase that people most tell me when I post a post or a photo on social networks. And when they tell me this I can only think about the 348 photos that I had to take until I got to a good one (and they did not look as good as that). And this post today is in honor of those hundreds of photos that end up in the trash but that are part of a blogger's spectacular work.

Fashion Fails - Parte 1

"Tu ficas sempre tão bem nas fotografias!" Deve ser a frase que mais me dizem quando publico um post ou uma fotografia nas redes sociais e assim. E quando me dizem isso eu só consigo pensar nas 348 fotografias que tive de tirar até chegar a uma boa e que não ficaram assim tão bem quanto isso. E este post de hoje é em honra dessas centenas de fotografias que acabam no lixo mas que fazem parte de um trabalho espectacular de blogger. 

Jan 4, 2018

#RECAP 2017 (english and french versions)

Happy New Year!!! I know I'm late and it's been four days since new year's eve, but it's better late than never. And I'm just in time to make a small catch here of my year 2017 that passed so fast!

#RECAP 2017

Bom ano novo!!! Eu sei que estou atrasada e que já se passaram quatro dias mas mais vale tarde que nunca e como de toda a maneira vamos andar até ao fim de fevereiro a desejar bom ano novo, ainda estou muito a tempo. E também estou a tempo de fazer aqui um pequeno apanhado do meu ano 2017 que passou a voar! 

Dec 6, 2017

PARTY TIME - The Outfit Guide (english and french versions)

Well, we're about three weeks from Christmas and New Year's Eve, and we should start to think about a cute little outfit for the occasion, and of course, I'm here to help you or at least to give you some tips.

PARTY TIME - The Outfit Guide

Pois é, estamos a umas três semanas do natal e da passagem de ano e está mesmo na hjora de começar a pensar numa roupita mais bonitinha para a ocasião, e claro, eu estou aqui para ajudar ou pelo menos para vos deixar umas dicas. 

Nov 26, 2017

Yellow Rocks (English and French Versions)

Today we're going to talk about this look that you loved on Instagram and that I also liked very much. I should have published it during the week but as you have already noticed I was not present this week for health reasons.

Yellow Rocks

Hoje vamos falar sobre este look que vocês adoraram no Instagram e que eu também gosto muito por acaso. Já devia ter publicado durante a semana mas como vocês já puderam constatar eu não estive presente esta semana nem aqui nem em lado nenhum por motivos de saúde. 

Nov 13, 2017

Time for Cosy Wear (english and french versions)

The cold weather has arrived in Switzerland. I mean, it's been quite a while that it has arrived but now  we can definitely feel it. Therefore warm clothes are much needeed these days. And it was thinking  in the cold days that I wanted this cardigan from Zaful which has some beautiful details and gives me this cosiness feeling.

Tempo para Roupa Quentinha

O tempo frio chegou à Suiça. Quer dizer, ele já chegou há algum tempo mas faz-se sentir cada vez mais e portanto cada vez mais é necessário o uso de roupa quentinha. E foi a pensar nos dias frios que quis este casaco de malha da Zaful que tem uns pormenores lindos. 

Nov 4, 2017

Best Secret - Private Invitation (english and french versions)

What if I told you I have a secret? A secret about fashion, or rather a secret about where to buy the best pieces, the latest trends and everything in a very easy and exclusive way.  Do you want to know what my "Best Secret" is?